VAVE Essentials for Procurement: Innovative Approaches for Cost Reduction

Access our on-demand webinar featuring industry experts as they explore Value Analysis and Value Engineering (VAVE) for cost optimization. Hear insights and perspectives from CADDi’s CEO, author of C-O-S-T System, and Yanfeng’s Chief Engineering VA-VE Cost Optimization Manager. Learn how to reduce costs without sacrificing quality in today’s competitive market. Benefit from the valuable insights shared by these esteemed speakers.

Benefits of attending

  • Understanding VAVE: A comprehensive introduction to the principles of VAVE, and how it functions to bring tangible savings.
  • Standardization & Aggregation: Learn how VAVE facilitates standardization and aggregation, enabling better volume control and driving down costs.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Insights into how VAVE enhances your appeal to customers, making you their preferred choice.
  • Case Studies and Success Stories: Real-world examples of how organizations have harnessed the power of VAVE to achieve remarkable success.
  • Interactive Q&A Session: Get all your questions answered by industry experts.

Benefits of attending

  • Executives and Managers in Manufacturing
  • Procurement, Sourcing and Supply Chain Professionals
  • Cost Engineers and Continuous Improvement Teams


Yushiro Kato

Co-founder and CEO
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